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Nottingham City’s Early Years Provision Maps

The Local Authority and Nottingham City Day Nurseries and Playgroups have worked together to develop Nottingham City’s Early Years Provision Maps.

Representatives from Health, Social Care, voluntary organisations and parents have also contributed to these maps.

The provision maps list the different ways that Day Nurseries and Playgroups may support young children with special educational needs and disabilities. This includes provision that will be available to all children (Universal Provision) and provision (additional interventions) that is available to children who have been identified as requiring SEN Support.

Settings are not expected to provide all the interventions included on the maps. Throughout the year settings will look at the needs of their children and select the interventions that are required in order to meet the needs of a particular child or children. This means that provision in the setting may vary to reflect the changing needs of the children over time.

For further information about the provision maps please talk to the SENCO in your child’s setting.

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