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Advice & Information

 Directory results

Children and Young People's Zone

Welcome to the children and young people’s zone – if you are under 25, have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and live in Nottingham – we are here to help you. Please let us know if there is anything else that you want adding…

Direct Payments

Direct Payments are ‘cash’ payments for people who have been assessed as eligible for a Personal Budget from either education, health or social care, and who would like to arrange and pay for their own support services instead of receiving them directly from the local…

Disability Living Allowance

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is a benefit that helps with the extra costs that disabled people face as a result of their disabilities. DLA is not means-tested, and it is tax free. You don't need to have paid any National Insurance contributions to claim DLA.…

Disagreement Resolution, Mediation & Appeals

Wherever possible we want to enable issues and disagreements to be discussed and resolved at the earliest opportunity. This may be an informal chat with a teacher, social worker or health professional initially. Schools, colleges and services will have their own published policies and/or guidance…

Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessments and Plans

Most children with special educational needs will receive the help they need through the Graduated Approach to Support for Children with SEND If the Graduated Approach has been implemented effectively but the child or young person continues to struggle to make expected progress, the educational…

Financial Support for Families

The following organisations provide funding across England and the Midlands. They are grant providing trusts that families or professionals can apply for assistance with financial support towards helping people out of poverty and debt. They also provide funding towards everyday household items and specialised equipment…

Health and Social Care

Making your support more joined-up. Nottingham City Council is transforming the way it offers help and support to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We’re making sure all of the help and support we offer is joined up across health,…

Local Offer Health Support

Health Services are NHS services (though some may be arranged by the NHS and delivered by other organisations) which are provided to help people keep healthy. This may include diagnosis and treatment of illness, care for long term conditions and therapy services to maximise children…

A parent's guide to autism

Parents often feel relieved when they finally receive a diagnosis of autism, because they have an explanation for their child's unusual behaviour. Receiving a diagnosis may come as a great shock, and it can take a while to accept what you're being told. Try to…
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