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Sensory & Physical Team - Physical Disability (SEND Inclusion Support Services)

Support for children and young people with a physical disability is provided for children and young people in pre-school settings and local authority schools and academies.  The child or young person does not need to have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to receive out support and advice.  They will have a physiotherapist or an occupational therapist involved who will provide clinical support and recommend appropriate seating and personal care equipment.

Who are we?

Our team consists of a coordinator/ teacher of children with a physical disability an occupational therapist, an OT assistant and moving and handling advisors.  The team are based in Oakfield School and are part of the Nottingham City SEND Inclusion Service.

Who do we work with?

Children and young people who

  • Who have a clinical diagnosis of a physical disability.
  • Live in Nottingham city or attend a local authority school or academy.  Independent schools can choose to commission support for children when they are at statutory school age.

We do not provide support for children and young people who have mobility problems due to other special educational needs such as behaviour.  This includes children who are reluctant walkers or those who sit down and refuse to move.

How can your child receive support?

When children are due to start pre-school settings or schools the physiotherapist or occupational therapist involved with you and your child should make a referral to the Physical Disability outreach team. Referrals can also come from the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) at your child’s school or educational setting.

What happens after your child has been referred?

The team will liaise with the health professional and the setting. They will assess your child for appropriate equipment and submit a request for the equipment.  The team will order and arrange delivery of the relevant equipment.  The school or pre school setting will arrange for staff to attend moving and handling training.  Your child may not be able to start in the setting until this has been completed.  We need to make sure that your child is safe when they are being moved and the staff working with them are safe when they are moving and handling your child.

What do we do?

  • Providing moving and handling training to ensure that staff know how to safely move children and young people before they start in the provision. 

This needs to be planned before transition as children should not start school until staff are trained in moving and handling.

  • Write safe systems of work to provide an accurate record of how the individual moving and handling plans for each child.
  • Carry out environmental assessments to make sure that equipment can be used safely
  • Provide advice where reasonable adjustments are required to buildings to make them accessible.  Unfortunately, not all schools and settings can be made accessible.  This should be a consideration when you are making an application for your child.
  • Loan specialist seating and toileting systems as recommended by your child’s OT or physiotherapist
  • Advise on Technology for access to learning
  • We give information, support and advice around a physical disability to schools.
  • We provide consultation and planning with teachers and teaching assistants on modification to the curriculum
  • Liaise with other people involved with your child such as physiotherapists and occupational therapists to ensure appropriate provision and support is in place.
  • We work alongside other professionals involved with the child to make sure they understand the implications of a physical disability.

Who to contact

0115 9153265
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