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Advice & Information

 Directory results

Disabled adults (Homes and housing)

Being able to live in housing that best suits you and your needs is important, there are various services available in Nottingham designed to help you or the person you care for feel empowered and equipped to live more independently.

Disabled Children's Register (DCR)

The Disabled Children's Register is a secure database which aims to capture information about all children and young people aged 0-25 years with disabilities or special educational needs in Nottingham City. All local authorities are required by the Children Act 1989 to hold a register…

Disagreement Resolution, Mediation & Appeals

Wherever possible we want to enable issues and disagreements to be discussed and resolved at the earliest opportunity. This may be an informal chat with a teacher, social worker or health professional initially. Schools, colleges and services will have their own published policies and/or guidance…

Discharge from Hospital

There are plenty of services and activities that can help you after you return home from hospital, please click on the sections below for more information.

Discretionary Housing Payments

Discretionary Housing Payments are for people who need extra help with their rent when their Housing Benefit does not meet the full value of their rent. Nottingham City Council administers Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) on behalf of the Department for Works and Pensions. People who…

Domestic Abuse Support

Domestic Abuse is any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour or violence or abuse between those aged over 16 years who are or have been in an intimate relationship or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can encompass,…

Drink Less

Reducing the amount of alcohol you drink can reduce your risk of developing serious health conditions and help you to maintain a healthy weight.   Evidence suggests alcohol actually increases feelings of stress and anxiety rather than reducing them. For easy tips on cutting down on the amount…

Early Help Services

Nottingham City Council provides a number of Early Help services for children and families whose needs cannot be met by universal services. These services include: Targeted Family Support – support for families with children aged 0-19 years. Referrals can be made via Nottingham City Council…

Early Language

Children develop their talking and understanding of words at different rates. Babies start learning to recognise language even while they’re in the womb. Parents and families can support their baby’s language development through play, talking and responding to your baby / child, reading stories and…

Early Years Pupil Premium – Information for Parents

What is the Early Years Pupil Premium? (EYPP) In April 2015, the Government introduced the EYPP. Schools, Nurseries, Pre-Schools and Childminders registered to deliver the funded early education entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds are able to claim up to an extra £300 per…
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